How SNPP Works:

Messages are sent from a computer to the paging or cellular
carrier via the Internet using SNPP or the simple network
paging protocol. The carrier then passes the message to the
paging terminal. The paging terminal then broadcasts the message
via radio waves to the paging device, mobile phone, billboards,
LCDs or other designated wireless device.
What Information is needed to send a message via SNPP?
Two pieces of information are need in order to send text messages
via snpp the port
settings of the paging carrier and the pin or ID
of the pager is needed. The pin and id is often the numeric
pager number but not always.
Is SNPP a standard?
SNPP is defined as an industry standard. Because the concept
of Internet transfer is fairly new, the protocol has not yet
been widely adopted. In an effort to save costs it is expected
that numerous carriers will adopt either SNPP or WCTP as an
Internet protocol. Both protocols have support built in for
two-way communication.
Why is this better than email ( SMTP ) transfer?
Depending on the routing, there can be significant delays
in the routing of emails. Wireless messaging is a "now"
technology and there is little tolerance for delays and lag
times. The SNPP protocol also ensures that the message has
been received by the carrier or telecom provider. Email does
not allow for any confirmation.
What software supports SNPP?
SNPP is a fairly new protocol and is not widely supported.
This site is sponsored by NotePage,
Inc. a leading developer of alphanumeric paging and
wireless messaging software, if you are in the need of paging
software that supports SNPP please consider NotePage's
Software. The latest versions support SNPP in addition
to other popular wireless communication protocols.
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about SNPP, and we will do our best to answer it.